Thursday, January 20, 2011

Jinging the Day Away

I've recently (thanks to my awesome program at MSU) discovered Jing.  It allows you to take screenshots or videos and share them with you friends, family, colleagues, students, etc.  As a teacher who uses a lot of technology, this is a dream come true.  No more standing in front of the room trying to get the students to pay attention to me and the computer at the same time.  No more confusion about using online resources!  Instead, I'm creating short (the non-pro version only allows 5 minutes) videos showing the students how to use Word, Powerpoint, Moodle, etc. You can also add audio, or mute it if like me, you hate the sound of your voice.  The students can pause and play the video as they like, so everyone can work at their own pace. Jing is free to download and comes with "try it yourself" tutorials that let you practice before you download.

If you'd like to see the final result, click here to see me showing my grammar students how to upload recordings:


  1. Techie Tip: Since Jing limits you to 5 minutes per recording, you can use Jing to create 5 minute lesson episodes=8-) Or, you can purchase Jing's big brother, Camtasia, from TechSmith. I used Camtasia to create the video I sent out in the email last Wednesday night.

  2. Thanks for the idea. It's a bit expensive though. I might alternate between Jing for short demos and Power Point videos for longer ones. Thanks to Jing, I can now incorporate screen shots into my videos.


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