Friday, June 10, 2011

PART B - Storyboard and Script

The storyboard and script were both an entire group effort. I did most of the big idea stuff like putting together the initial structure of the presentation and building the "why use Facebook," "Differences between a Page and a Group," and "Conclusion." However the other group members really fleshed out and added to each of these sections. Slough it was my idea to make a Facebook page, Pam did all the leg work for that, and she did a great job. As for the script, I wrote the concluding script and added in some of the pictures. I invite you to see the results of our work here:

For the final presentation, we've decided that I will build it and do the audio since that will make it easiest to do the timings correctly. All the group members contributed screenshtos and pictures to include in the video, so it is ready to be filmed. Dave will make a video for his section and send it to be included in the final product. Tammie and Pam will both put the final edits on it. I'm really excited to see the end product. This is the first group I've worked with where I've felt like everyoneis fully invested and it makes a huge difference.

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding storyboard, Group 2!! It looks like your group is ready to move onto the next phase in the production process - recording. I'm looking forward with great anticipation, to watching your FaceBook tutorial in a couple of weeks. Marvelous team work, here=8-) Sue


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